Leuric of Stanford, Thegn of the Royal Borough of Stanford on the Avon C11th
(descended from an Anglo-Saxon family that first settled in England around Stamford on the River Welland and Stanford on the River Avon in as early as the late 5th Century; said to have fought bravely at the Battle of Stamford Bridge 1066, but then, 3 weeks later, was disgraced at the Battle of Hastings, for pursuing the Normans and not staying with the dying King Harold as honour dictated. When William confiscated all his land, and he was was forced to surrender his sword, he broke it in disgust - thus the broken sword in the family coat of arms.
de Stainfords, Knights of Stainforth nr Giggleswick, Yorkshire, C11-12th
(then called Stainfordenburgg, resident at what is now Knight Stainforth Hall)
John fitzPeter de Staynford early 14th century
(illegitimate son of Peter de Stanford, of Stanford on Avon in Leicestershire; as a result of bravery defending The Black Prince at Crecy in 1346 he was awarded land in Hatfield Chase on the River Don by Edward III
?John Staunford of Wheathill nr Stanford-on-Teme, Salop b c1320?
(Sequestor General for Hereford
The Staunfords of Stanford-on-Teme were a ‘cadet branch’ of the family of Leuric of Stanford-on-Avon)
Richard Staunford of Stafford Town and Rowley b c1350 d 1404
(MP for Stafford in Parliaments of 1382, 1386, 1388, 1391, 1399, 1402. Kings Bailiff for Stafford 1400; our earliest recorded direct ancestor)
William Staunford of Stanford, Salop b c1375
(Esquire in the retinue of 5th Earl of Stafford at the Battle of Shrewsbury, 1403)
Robert Staunford of Rowley, b Stanford, Salop c1410
(m Anne dau of John Wylaston of Wollaston & Shrewsbury)
Roger Stanford, b Stafford c1430
(m Alice dau and heiress of John Aston Esq of Aston Jux, Stafford 1459; was very much caught in the crossfire of the Wars of the Roses; but the Stanford’s fortunes revived after the Yorkist victory at Tewkesbury in 1471)
Robert Stamford b. Aston c1460
(m Isabel, d & h of Thomas Fisher Esq of Rowley Hall, Stafford, and lands passed to him on Fisher’s death in 1486)
Thomas Stanford b Rowley Hall c1480 d.1532.
(m Anne dau of Wm Henshaw, Master Bellfounder & 5 times Mayor of Gloucester, then Agnes dau of Humphrey Foxe Esq of Hopton, Staffs. MP for Stafford 1529/30 Buried in the Castle Church, Stafford)
Thomas Stanford 1515-1583
(m Agnes dau of John Darker, Butcher of Leicester. Freeman Butcher of Leicester 1537, Mayor of Leicester 1560 & 1573. bur St Nicholas Churchyard)
John Stanford of Leicester & Barkby 1538-1602
(Freeman Butcher 1559; m Elizabeth dau of Henry Eyre Esq of London & Hassop, Derbys 1565, MP for Leicester 1572, 1581, Mayor of Leicester 1577,1592 bur. Barkby Thorpe)
Samuell Stanford 1578-1641
(m Jane dau of Richard Elliots of Beabridge Hall, Cloverly, Salop. Steward to Sir Walter Leveson, Lyleshall, Salop, then to Lord Vaux at Laxton, Notts. Bur. Laxton)
John Stanford alias Staunford, Staunton or Stainforth. Eldest (illegitimate) son of Samuell 1605-1671
(m Mary d & co-h of Marmeduke Blakestone Esq of York. Cornet of Horse in Sir Gamaliel Dudley’s Regiment of Horse, Northern Royalist Army, in Civil War, 1643; Keeper of the King’s Manor, York, under seige 1643/44; latterly Messenger at Law, York. Bur York)
William Stainforth, 1647-1713
(m Judith step-d of Alderman Leonard Thompson of York. Emm Coll, Camb, BA, MA, DD; Rector St Mary’s, Camb, 1668; Vicar St Martin’s 1675; Preb of Southwell 1679; Canon of York Minster 1680-1713; Rec of Bamborough 1704-13; bur in the Minster)
William Stainforth 1669-1719
(Fellow of Queens’ Camb 1693; Rector of Simonburn Northumb 1697-1723; m Frances dau of George Prickett Esq, Dep Recorder of York, 1699; Proctor for Co of Northumberland 1717; bur St Martin’s , York)
William Stainforth 1704-1782
(b Simonburn. BA Emm Coll Camb1727; m Judith d & co-h of Sir Walter Hawksworth of York; Wine Merchant in York; Esquire of Stillington 1728-82)
George Stainforth 1736-1790
(Capt Royal Irish Regt 1765; m Ann dau of Rev Jarratt of Killaloe, Ireland, 1765; res 1771, took Holy Orders; Vicar of Stillington 1771-1790)
Richard Terrick Stainforth 1772-1848
(Cornet 1st Royal Dragoon Guards 1790, Lieut 1792; inherited Hutton Estate 1790. 1794 m Mary dau of Thomas Staunton of Calva, Ireland.
In financial difficulty, moved to Belgium; lived Bruges,1833-48; d. Hutton)
William Stainforth 1814-1865
(b Hutton; lived in Bruges 1833-46; m Elizabeth dau of Rev R Clifton in British Embassy, Brussels 1837; ret to England 1846; wife sep from him in 1851 because he had no ambition; becomes a bad farmer, and has six children by his housekeeper; drinks himself to death; d Haxby Grange aged 51)
Henry William Stainforth 1838-1880
(b Bruges; at age 17 served in the Crimean War , Commissariat Dept, 1855. At outbreak of the Indian Mutiny, 1857, joined Rifle Brigade as Private soldier; Lucknow, 1858; Staff Sergeant, Calcutta; Ensign 2nd W I Regt 1864; served in Barbados and Jamaica; resigned commission 1865 to marry Georgina Mathilda, dau Asst Surgeon Joseph Lawson, Jamaica; Sup Indian Railways then Cairo Egyptian Railway. d London from cirrhosis at age of 42, bur St Pancras Cemetary)
George Staunton Stainforth 1870-1949
(b Lucknow, India; on father’s death, sent to an orphanage in Lewisham with his 2 bros at age of 10; m Mary – 13 yrs his senior - dau of Rev Richard Glover of St Luke’s, Holloway 1895; Solicitor, Bircham & Co; contracted tuberculosis 1911; disease went into his spine 1913 (Pott's Disease); ret, crippled for rest of life; d Worthing)
Archibald George Clabon Stainforth MC1896-1965
(b Hornsey; Royal Mil Coll Sandhurst; Lt ‘The Buffs’ 1915; in the Battle of The Somme 1916, Messines 1917, Vaulx, St Quentin, 1918; MC 1918; m Flora Hope dau of Rev A E Glover, Bombay Cathedral 1920; Kt of the Royal Danish Order of the Donnebrog 1923 Capt R WAFF, Nigeria 1925; Colonial Service in Nigeria 1926-46; bro of Flt/Lt. George Hedley, RAF High Speed Flight, World Speed Record 1931, killed in action, Egypt 1942; and of Moxon, Bank of India; d Tunbridge Wells)
Peter Terrick Stainforth 1921-2017
(b Tunbridge Wells; ed Tonbridge School; Queens’ Coll Camb MA; Lt 1st Para Sqn, RE 1942-45; in action in Tunisia 1942, Sicily 1943, Arnhem 1944: POW in Oflag IX A/Z Rotenburg; m June dau of Capt Harold Spink of Groombridge, Chairman of Spink and Son, 1948, d cancer 1966; 2nd m Dorothy Snoxell 1970; R&D Engineer, ICI 1948-78; d Stevenage)
John Glover Stainforth 1949-
(b Welwyn Garden City, twin bro of Gordon Newbery BA, MA(RCA), photographer & author; ed Tonbridge School; BSc Leeds 1973; PhD Exeter 1977; m Vivian dau of Lyndon Pallot Esq of Jersey 1984, sep 1997; Expl Geologist Shell Int, in Oman, Perth Australia, Calgary Canada, New Orleans & Houston USA)
Timothy Stainforth 1988-
(b The Hague, Netherlands; bro of Deborah b 1985 and Laura b 1987; at school in Katy, Texas)